In March 2004 the Canadian designed and manufactured yoga/active wear company Tonic opened. Inspired by west coast life, Tonic provides today’s women with a lifestyle line that supports a healthy and active life.
Tonic clothing is fashionable and functional for all workouts; not just yoga. Simple and clean, Tonic’s style is for both urban living and athletics. It’s fit, function and fashion celebrates the union of inward and outward beauty.Tags: Active Wear, Canadian, carbon footprint, dance, stylish, Tonic, Vancouver, women's fashion, workout wear, Yoga -
Karma believes that every woman and every community deserve all that is possible in life. We believe strongly in honouring and empowering women both on and off the mat.
Karma is redefining yoga apparel. Think striking details, a mixture of high-performance and elegant après fabrics, and a luxurious colour palette. Inspired by movement, Karma is active performance wear that easily crosses over into head-turning lifestyle apparel. Each piece is expertly designed, constructed and contoured to highlight the feminine shape and enhance what makes women beautiful
Manufacturing jobs in the apparel industry have dwindled with the rise of overseas production. This is no more apparent than in our backyard of Vancouver. Karma is a Canadian apparel company that manufactures in Canada and the United States. We are committed to using local factories, investing in our community, and keeping local women employed.
We hope to inspire other local companies, in more than just apparel, to rethink their own practices and bring production back home. It is our core belief that if we practice good karma, others will follow.
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- Canadian made yoga clothes
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- Ethical alternative to lululemon
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- Hard Tail Forever in British Columbia
- Hard Tail Forever in Canada
- Hard Tail in BC
- Hard Tail in British Columbia
- Hard Tail in Victoria BC
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- Paiwen Paddle Boards
- Paiwen Paddleboard
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- Standup Paddle Boarding
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