carbon footprint
In March 2004 the Canadian designed and manufactured yoga/active wear company Tonic opened. Inspired by west coast life, Tonic provides today’s women with a lifestyle line that supports a healthy and active life.
Tonic clothing is fashionable and functional for all workouts; not just yoga. Simple and clean, Tonic’s style is for both urban living and athletics. It’s fit, function and fashion celebrates the union of inward and outward beauty.Tags: Active Wear, Canadian, carbon footprint, dance, stylish, Tonic, Vancouver, women's fashion, workout wear, Yoga -
Teeki sells fast. Not only does Teeki have a unique style it is ethically manufactured and environmentally friendly. The durable, quick dry polyester is made from recycled water bottles.
From the recycling centre bottles are sorted by colour. Labels are stripped. Bottles and lids crushed and chopped into pieces. Pieces are made into pellets. Pellets are melted and extruded into fibres. Fibres are then crimped cut drawn, stretched and baled. The baled fibres are then turned into fabric for a variety of products and uses.
Another great feature is the price! It’s lower than competitors who outsource labour to factories on other continents. Why pay more when we can buy products made close to home? Shop ethical. Shop local.
Did you know, most of the items on our website are made in Canada? We're trying to lower our carbon footprint, are you??
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- Canadian made yoga clothes
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- Ethical alternative to lululemon
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- Hard Tail Forever in Canada
- Hard Tail in BC
- Hard Tail in British Columbia
- Hard Tail in Victoria BC
- Hardtail
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- Paiwen Paddle Boards
- Paiwen Paddleboard
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- Standup Paddle Boarding
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