exercise dress
Why is everyone raving about Nuu-Muu? Because Nuu-Muus feel as good as they look and perform like a dream. Nuu-Muu dresses are easy care and easy wear which makes them a go-to garment in any wardrobe. Our no-fuss dresses are flattering and friendly to real women's bodies. Nuu-Muus are designed to perform from the trail to the gym and charm everywhere in between. They are crafted for comfort - so you feel good enough to keep going. Nuu-Muus are also perfect for travel, great at the beach and darling at dinner. They layer gorgeously for year-round versatility. There is nothing built in, so you get to choose your favorite undergarments. Bike shorts, running tights, yoga pants, swimwear - Nuu-Muu does what you do.
Girl Power - They believe in strong girls and women. They believe in real people, real bodies and real friends. They believe in trying really hard. They believe that moments of truth can be extended to lifetimes of truth. They believe in having fun along the way. They believe that you can too.
Green Living - They believe in riding bikes. They believe in recycled and recyclable packaging and tags. They believe less is more. They believe in hand-me-downs and in products made well enough to last.
Made in the USA - They believe in limiting our carbon imprint. They believe in supporting our national economy. Every single Nuu-Muu is made in the United States in small batches so you can feel as good on the inside as your Nuu-Muu feels on you.
Contributing - They believe in sharing. They believe in being engaged members of our communities. They believe in being the kind of company who cares enough to do the right thing.
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