Hey lovely followers! Check out what is happening in your local downtown area! Starting today, several of your local downtown businesses from Fabulous Fort have started the count down to Christmas with the #fabulousfort advent calendar! Check out the #adventonfort for details on how you can win and which store is giving away that day! Keep your eyes on us for December 7th for the Breathe Athletic giveaway!
Want to win some fabulous pressies from Fort Street businesses? All you have to do is pop over to our neighbour's page ... Brown's The Florist and like and share their advent posting! And stay tuned for tomorrow's advent pressie! Easy, peasie!
#adventonfort #brownstheflorist #fabulousfort #fabfort #fortstreet #downtownyyj #yyj

Fabulous Fort
Today is the first day of The Advent on Fort!
So all you have to do to win a fabulous pressie from Brown's The Florist is pop over to their page ... like & share their advent posting and you'll be enter to win!
Stay tuned for tomorrow's advent pressie!
#adventonfort #brownstheflorist #fabulousfort #fabfort #fortstreet #downtownyyj #yyj